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Q: What eliminates solid waste from the body?
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What are the eliminates solid waste from the body?


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The Cloaca eliminates waste from the frogs body

What are poop and pee?

Poop, also called feces, is the solid waste that the body eliminates through the rectum. Pee, also called urine, is the liquid waste that the body eliminates through the urethra. Both poop and pee are byproducts of the digestive and renal systems that help the body get rid of waste and maintain proper function.

What is the body system that eliminates liquid waste from the body?

The excretory system eliminates liquid waste from the body. This system includes the kidneys, which filter waste from the blood to produce urine, and the bladder, which stores the urine until it is expelled from the body through the urethra.

What body system takes in and absorbs nutrients and eliminates waste?

The digestive system both takes in and absorbs nutrients, and eliminates solid waste. The main organs are the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine.

What three organ systems are responsible for waste?

The three organ systems responsible for waste elimination are the digestive system, the urinary system, and the respiratory system. The digestive system eliminates solid waste, the urinary system eliminates liquid waste, and the respiratory system eliminates gaseous waste.

What part of the body eliminates solid wastes?

The digestive system eliminates solid wastes through the large intestine and rectum. Waste material, in the form of feces, is stored in the rectum before being expelled through the anus during defecation.


Eliminates waste products from the body in ways that maintain homeostasis

What human organ system eliminates liquid and gaseous wastes from the body?

The Exceretory System

What 4 systems eliminate waste in the body?

The excretory system eliminates waste through the kidneys, skin, lungs, and gastrointestinal system. The kidneys filter waste from the blood to form urine, the skin releases waste products through sweat, the lungs eliminate carbon dioxide through respiration, and the gastrointestinal system eliminates solid waste through feces.

Name one other organ that eliminates waste from the body?

the kidneys get rid of waste in your blood

How solid waste eliminated from the body?

Solid waste is eliminated through the anus.