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it is known to be some sort of town to be very dirty and disgusting.

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Q: What does suddle mean?
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What rhymses with puddle?

suddle or muddle.

What do you have to do to get a boy to ask you out?

OK of course flirt and be friends and get to know them. This may be unconventional but me and my friends drop a little more than suddle hints to the guy we like. It works sometimes!

How do you know the guy loves you or not?

If he always plays around with you, or treats you nicer then any other girl he hangs out with. A lot of the time he makes suddle hints, you just don't notice. But, you gotta go for it, don't be afraid to make a first move.

What is the habitat of the Labyrinthine Orb Weaver Spider?

The orb weaver likes to have a suddle ,quieter life,it lives in foresty regions in north america and south america ,in warmer weather,maybe ,occasionally you'll run into one in a window or doorway,but mostly in the woods in north & south america

How do boys like to be flirted with?

first make it suddle dont make it obvious u like him . then give him a simplecompliment , after that talk with him about anything after a while make it seem as though u hav 2 go and leave hell wonder where ur goin n b more intrested in u

How do you keep a text conversation going with a girl you like please help ASAP and please no joaking?

To keep a conversation going with a girl you need to ask her questions and see what the two of u have in common. Also give her suddle hints to who you are and the kind of things you like so she has something to work with when it comes to her asking u questions.

You like a boy but he likes your bff what do you do?

this is tough. ive been best friends eith this boy since kindergarten but i don't like him like that. he likes me though. first i say you invite him over and hang out often. when your together you could occasionally scoot closer or give like slightly suddle hints every now and then i hope this helps

How do i know if a girl found out that i like her what should i do im in 10th grade at a private school in Boston?

ask around. ask her close friends if they know who she likes. eventually if they know you like her, theyll bring it up. just me suddle about it..dont make it too obvious and dont make it look like youre a stalker or anything. if she knows you like her and shes interested too...she'll do something about it. its not a bad thing if she knows.

What do you do when a guy likes you but dont like him but he thinks you do?

well first of all make positive you don't like him. you don't want to go screwing up like i did in the same situation. I turned him down and really hurt his feelings and now i don't think we'll ever be friends. If he thinks you still like him give him suddle signs you don't like him in that way. but if you don't care if he hates you for the rest of your life just do whatever you want.

What is the age and value of a 22 short Winchester Model 67 with no serial?

I have been recently studying this topic and from what I have found there are no serial numbers on the guns. Therefore you cannot know for sure when you gun was manufactured. However there are some other very suddle things that may give you a better idea of when your gun was made. I however do not know what those are. I do know that they made around 380,000 between 1934 and 1963. Not a lot of help, but maybe a little?

I recently told my guy-friend that I like him and he likes me too but we still act like friends how do I change things?

if you feel strange about it tell him and maybe he will understand. if things somehow go wrong tell him it was advice someone told you and you wanted to see if it could be solved.sorry if you were expecting an answer like "just talk to him if he doesnt understand then he isn't the one for you". i don't put stuff like that. i am a guy and i know how we think. if he likes you alot he will feel like maybe he needs to fix something and you guys can talk it out.hope it helpedFind a way to bring the subject up not to casual but suddle. Listen to his feelings and maybe ask him on a date. You make the first move. You have an advantage you know how he feels.

How can you tell him you really like him?

"I've known you for awhile and I really would like to date you," that one is a little obvious. If you aren't the type that can just go up to him and say that out of the blue ease into it. I would suggest telling him you like him face to face or something a little more suddle like giving him a note asking him if he would ever 'consider' you. Or you can just try flirting with him, and then just say once your both close friends, ''I dont wan't this to ruin our friendship, but would you go out with me?'' it worked for me :)x