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Q: What does short regular and long mean in jeans?
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Related questions

What does the letter after the size of aeropostale jeans mean?

If you're talking about the s, l, or r, it means the same as it does for any jeans manufacturer... s (short), l (long), r (regular). This is not rocket science.

What does 28 reg mean in jeans size?

It means size 28 regular fit jeans.

What length is a regular leg for men's jeans?

Jeans come in different leg lengths and waist widths, and these sizes are all equally "regular". Jeans also come in different fits. "regular" here simply mean that it's neither slim or baggy, and it can be "regular" for whatever leg length you choose.

What is apple bottom mean?

if you mean when describing jeans, apple bottom jeans, they are jeans that exencuate the butt

What are the most rugged mean's jeans?

Wranglers and Levis original buttonfly 501 jeans are popular brands. Carhart makes jeans that wear well and last long for serious outdoor work and play.

Is assortment a short e or a long e?

short e for mean

Is Make a short or long vowel?

If you mean the a in make, it is a long vowel. An example of a short a would be apple.

What does Scuttle-de-do mean?

short long

What does regged mean?

Reg can mean short for "regular" or a nickname for "Reggie". In the UK reg can also mean a motor vehicle "registration number".

What does it mean if your server nickname is too long or short on minecraft?

It means it's too long or too short

Whatb does fabian mean?

A guy who wears skinny jeans and has long hair, goes to mission, and plays guitar:D

Are Levi's still the best mean's jeans?

Levi's last forever--or so it seems. They are well made and last a long, long time. Levi's has also branched out in styles to include looser fitting jeans with a lower waist line.