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Q: What does it mean when we say theory?
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His discovery was based on observational evidence rather than theory.

What do you mean by theory?

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You mean the evolution theory? Darwin

What does scientific theory mean in science?

a theory which is made by observation

How many dimensions are respectably embraced by science in 2012?

Depends what you mean by "respectably." M Theory, a type of string theory, requires the existence of eleven dimensions in which the strings can vibrate. If you consider M Theory to be "respectable," then the answer is eleven. If your view of M Theory is that, "It's so bad a theory that it's not even wrong," then you might say that eleven dimensions is not respectable.

What is thiory?

Do you mean "theory"?

What does a scientific theory mean?

That would depend on the scientific theory in question.

Is the big bang theory and the supersonic theory the same?

I don't think there is such a thing as the "supersonic theory". If you mean "superstring theory", no, they are not the same.

What does it mean when you say no theory is written in stone?

Saying "no theory is written in stone" means that theories are subject to change and revision based on new evidence and insights. It emphasizes the importance of remaining open-minded and flexible in scientific inquiry.

What does a hyposthsis mean?

an educated theory