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Q: What does a low RDW and a normal MCV mean?
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What does low RDW mean?

In medicine, RDW means red cell distribution width. A low RDW means that the erythrocytes or red blood cells are uniform in size.

What does the medical abbreviation low rdw mean?

RDW means "Red blood cell Distribution Width" that takes place with the blood. If one has a low Rdw i means they are anemic.

What is RDW mean is a blood panel lab results mean?

If the RDW level is increased and the MCV level is normal. This can be caused by the beginning stages of a decrease in vitamin B12 or folic acid (a type of vitamin) in the body. It can also be caused by the beginning stages of iron deficiency anemia.

What does it mean when your mcv is low and rcdw is high?

When your mean corpuscular volume (MCV) is low and red cell distribution width (RDW) is high, it could indicate a condition called microcytic anemia, which is characterized by smaller-than-normal red blood cells with increased variation in size. This could be due to iron deficiency anemia, thalassemia, or other conditions affecting red blood cell production and size. Further evaluation by a healthcare provider is necessary to determine the underlying cause.

What does low RDW CV mean in a hematology test?

A low RDW-cv on a hematology test means that there is a very small variation in the size of your red blood cell. Low RDW means that the cells are mostly the same size, while high RDW means the sizes are different.

What is if rdw is high and mcv and mch are low in blood test?

High RDW (red cell distribution width) and low MCV (mean corpuscular volume) and MCH (mean corpuscular hemoglobin) in a blood test can indicate a mixed anemia, where there are varying sizes of red blood cells present in the blood. This can be seen in conditions such as iron deficiency anemia, thalassemia, or chronic diseases. Further evaluation and testing are usually needed to determine the specific cause.

What is high rdwcv in blood?

If your doctor tells you that your blood work shows a high rdw-cv, it simply means you have a higher than normal red blood cell distribution. This may be caused by an iron or B12 deficiency and is usually easily treated with a change in diet and the addition of supplements.

What does the medical abbreviation RDW mean?

Red Cell Distribution WidthRDW = Red cell Distribution Width. A measure in variation of the sizes of the Erythocytes (red blood cells)RDW stands for red cell distribution width. It is a measure of the variability of the size (volume) of red cells. Red cells of uniform size--no matter what that size is--will have a low RDW. A population of cells which vary greatly in size will have a high RDW. Another name for variability in red cell size is anisocytosis. In both thallasemia and iron deficiency anemia, the average cell size (measured as MCV, mean corpuscular volume) is low. But in iron deficiency anemia, unlike thallasemia, the RDW is increased.Red Cell Distribution Width in PercentageRed-Blood Cell Distribution Width

What does a 18.8 RDW Blood Test mean -?

low hb.especially iron deficiency anaemia

What does a 18.8 RDW Blood Test mean?

low hb.especially iron deficiency anaemia

Low mch and high rdw?

Low Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin High Red cell distribution width.