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Q: What does a hypothesis need for it to be valid?
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What is a valid scientific hypothesis?

this is the final or proven hypothesis

What do you need to have a valid scientific hypothesis?

It must be testable, and must be falsify-able

Why is hypothesis is discarded as a valid hypothesis?

when results from the experiments repeatedly fail to support the hypothesis.

Which question is valid in testing this hypothesis?

Sorry but your question doesn't make sense... You have to know what the hypothesis is to test if your question is valid.

How do you do the hypothesis?

An hypothesis is an assumption that is taken to be true or valid for the purposes of scientific debate or research .

Name the valid process for supporting a hypothesis?


What is a valid hypothesis?

A valid hypothesis is one that is testable and rejectable, can be proven true as well as verified without external evidence. It also needs to be accepted by public opinion.

Why do you test hypothesis?

So you know whether it is valid or not. If it isn't modify your hypothesis to fit the results of your experiments.

What are some of the best examples of a valid hypothesis?

jag wayere

What are the points that you should keep in mind about a hypothesis?

To write a valid hypothesis you should make it specific, testable and falsifiable.

What does a hypothesis become after it is tested and proven?

A hypothesis, or group of hypotheses, that is accepted as consistently valid is a theory. Either a hypothesis or a theory can be ultimately disproven. One definition of a theory is an accepted hypothesis.

To prove that your hypothesis is correct you must?

A scientific hypothesis must be testable and falsifiable in order for it to be valid.