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This is a strong base/acid neutralization reaction with a product of salt and water.

NaOH + HCl --> NaCl + H2O

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Q: What does a general acid base reaction look like?
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Can an amphoteric compound act like an acid and a base?

Am amphoteric substance can react as a base but also as an acid.

What happens when you mix a strong acid with a strong base?

When a strong acid and a strong base mix, all acidic protons will react with every basic molecule until one or the other runs out. The curve for a titration of a strong acid with a strong base will change slowly at first, and dramatically when the equivalence point (where the number of moles of acid is equal to the number of moles of base) is reached. The reaction, like all acid-base reactions, is fast.

Does the pH level in acid cause it to melt through things?

No, not at all. It's actually the hazardous chemicals in the acid that causes it to melt trough things. If the pH level of acid caused it to burn through thing then most soda like Dr.pepper would burn right through. But the pH level does contribute to it though.

What does acid taste like in food?

It tastes sour. Other tastes are sweet, bitter and salty. Bitter is alkaline, the opposite of acid in Ph. And salty is the combination of an acid and a base (alkaline), which is a salt.

What are facts Chemical Reactions?

All chemical reactions are red-ox reactions. In other words if one component is getting oxidized the other component have to be reduced. All chemical reactions have reactants and products.If you would like to have more information, please do not hesitate to ask.A chemical reaction is when energy is released or absorbed. Also an example of a chemical reaction is a base and an acid. When an acid hits a base it makes salt and water. Reversible reactions are ones where the reaction can be paralleled to have the substance come back to its original state. A chemical reaction is also irreversible, because you can't get the original substance back. E.g: If you bake a cake with milk, flour and sugar and you mix it all together after you have baked it you can't get each substance back therefore it is irreversible and is a Chemical Reaction

Related questions

Is tin oxide an acid or a base?

Tin oxide is an amphoteric compound, meaning it can act as both an acid and a base depending on the reaction it is involved in. This allows it to react with both acids and bases.

Water is form from the reaction between an acid and a base why is it not classifield as salt?

Water is not classified as a salt because it does not contain ions like salts do. In the reaction between an acid and a base, the H+ ions from the acid react with the OH- ions from the base to form water. Salts, on the other hand, are compounds formed from the reaction between an acid and a base where the H+ ion is replaced by a metal ion.

Is reaction between ethanoic acid sodium hydroxide an eliminatin substitution addition or rearrangement.?

The reaction between ethanoic acid and sodium hydroxide is a neutralization reaction, in which an acid reacts with a base to form a salt and water. It is not classified as elimination, substitution, addition, or rearrangement.

What are example of endothermic reaction?

Well those would typically be called exothermic reaction, which could include any reaction in which heat was not added to start the reaction, like the addition of sodium to water, or the combination of an acid and base, like sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid.

What type of reaction is NaOH with Oxalic acid?

The reaction between NaOH and oxalic acid is a neutralization reaction, resulting in the formation of sodium oxalate and water. Oxalic acid is a dicarboxylic acid that can react with a base like NaOH to form a salt and water.

Ammonia can be classified as a base because in a chemical reaction with an acid ammonia will?

Ammonia can be classified as a base because in a chemical reaction with an acid, it will accept a proton (H+) to form the ammonium ion (NH4+), thereby neutralizing the acid and forming a salt, like ammonium chloride (NH4Cl).

What kind of reaction is it when antacid tablet reacts with hydrochloric acid?

It is a neutralization reaction. The active ingredient in the antacid tablet, usually a base like calcium carbonate or magnesium hydroxide, reacts with the hydrochloric acid in the stomach to form water, salt, and carbon dioxide. This helps to reduce the acidity in the stomach and alleviate symptoms of indigestion.

What does a neutalization reaction look like?

A neutralization reaction is when an acid and a base react to form water and a salt. It typically appears as a chemical equation where the acid and base reactants combine to produce water and a salt product. Example: HCl + NaOH → H2O + NaCl.

Is C5H5NHBr an acid or base?

C5H5NHBr is a salt formed from the reaction of a weak base (pyridine) with a strong acid (HBr). It does not act as an acid or base because the pyridine undergoes protonation to form the salt.

What are some chemicals you can use to cause neutralization?

Some common chemicals used for neutralization are sodium hydroxide (NaOH), sulfuric acid (H2SO4), hydrochloric acid (HCl), and acetic acid (CH3COOH). These chemicals are used to neutralize acids or bases by combining with them to form water and a salt.

What acts like both an acid and a base?

Water can act as both an acid and a base. It can donate a proton (acting as an acid) or accept a proton (acting as a base), depending on the chemical reaction it is involved in. This property is known as amphoteric.

What is a compound formed from a positive ion of a base and the negative ion of an acid called?

The compound formed from a positive ion of a base and the negative ion of an acid is called a salt. Salt is the product of a neutralization reaction between an acid and a base.