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Q: What do you do if your results do not match your hypothesis for an expirament?
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Do your results have to match your hypothesis in an experiment?

The results of a science experiment do not have to match the original hypothesis. Indeed, the results collected in an experiment may be completely different to those that the scientist predicted.

What is the difference between a procedure and a experiment?

A procedure is all the steps used to do an expirament in order. the expirament is when you test your hypothesis and is designed to answer your question. the procedure is all the steps of the expirament.

What is a predicted outcome to an expirament?

If you mean the word normally used: hypothesis

What does making hypothesis mean?

it means to quess what is going to happen before you do an expirament.

What do scientists do to help make a hypothesis or collect data during an experiment?


What is a hypothesis based on?

A hypothesis is based on you observation, and experiments on what you are going to do. If your hypothesis is wrong or doesn't match the results you had, you would need to modify it, so basically a hypothesis deals with prior knowledge.

Why is a possible explanation for a set of observations called a hypothesis?

A hypothesis is your first guess at how something/ your experiment is going to turn out. If the results you get match your hypothesis you can declare that it provides evidence to suggest that your hypothesis is true.

Why should you change your hypothesis?

You should change your hypothesis if the results from your experiments do not match what your hypothesis predicted. For instance, you make a hypothesis that a feather will fall at the same speed of a bowling ball. You drop both at the same time a number of times. You see that every time the bowling ball falls at a faster speed than the feather. You would have to change your hypothesis since it doesn't match your results. Your new hypothesis would be that a feather falls at a slower rate than a bowling ball.

What is the difference between alternative hypothesis and null hypothesis?

In research, a null hypothesis means that no results will be found. An alternative hypothesis means that results will be found.

What is the major difference between the null and alternative hypothesis?

In research, a null hypothesis means that no results will be found. An alternative hypothesis means that results will be found.

Why is hypothesis is discarded as a valid hypothesis?

when results from the experiments repeatedly fail to support the hypothesis.

What was Gillettes hypothesis supported by?

by all of the results he had after the tested his hypothesis