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Unlike charged particles attract each other due to their opposite electrical charges. This attraction occurs because of the interaction between the electric fields surrounding the particles. This phenomenon is a fundamental principle of electromagnetism and is crucial for understanding the behavior of charged objects.

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attract each other

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What is an example of unlike charges?

An example of unlike charges is a positively charged proton and a negatively charged electron in an atom. These charges attract each other due to their difference in charge.

What is an unlike charge?

it means not likley to get charged of some kind

Do unlike charges of equal magnitude attract?

Yes."Positively charged objects and negatively charged objects experience an attractive force."My source is linked below.

What occurs between 2 unlike charges?

Two unlike charges will attract each other due to the electrostatic force. The strength of the attraction will depend on the magnitude of the charges and the distance between them.

What are the neutral particles in an atom?

The neutral particles in an atom are the neutrons, located in the nucleus along with protons. Neutrons have no charge, unlike protons which are positively charged and electrons which are negatively charged.

What would happen if you touch the knob of a positively charged electroscope with another positively charged object?

Like charges repel. Unlike charges attract. Therefore, you would expect them to repel each other.

What is unlike charge?

it means not likley to get charged of some kind

What is the law states that 'like charges repel and unlike charges attract'?

This statement is part of Coulomb's Law, which quantifies the electrostatic force between two charged objects. It states that two positively charged objects will repel each other, as well as two negatively charged objects. Positively and negatively charged objects will attract each other.

What is the law of forces for attraction and repulsion?

MagnestismThe Law of Attraction and Repulsion states that like charges repel each other, and unlike charges attract. For example, two positively charged objects would repel, whereas a positively charged object and a negatively charged object would attract.

Describe the interaction between two like chargesis the interaction the same between two unlike charges?

The interaction between two like-charged objects is repulsive. The interaction between two oppositely charged objects is attractive.

Why the charged balloon wiill be attracted to the charged glass rod?

If charge on the balloon is induced due to the charge of the glass rod then there will be opposite charge and so balloon gets attracted by the rod. Unlike charges do attract each other

How can you show that like charges repel while unlike charges attract each other?

Like charges repel because they have the same type of charge, creating a force that pushes them away from each other. Unlike charges attract because they have opposite charges, creating a force that pulls them towards each other. This can be demonstrated using simple experiments with charged objects or using mathematical equations such as Coulomb's law.