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All seeds are the same. Nothing is different. Although going to Local Garden Store, and buying healthy and ready soil, will help you plant stay healthy. If you want faster and better result on growing plants, you might consider it. Plant it during the summer, (Sun is healthy for all plants, and plenty of water will do). DON'T FORGET THE HEALTHY SOILS! Hope this is helpful. :)

-8th grader.<3

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It depends on what seeds you are referring to. If you are talking about hybrid fruits or vegetables or houseplants, the seeds you save from home grown items are not going to be the same as the parent plants. This is because hybrids are grown by crossing two varieties of fruits or vegetables to get the best characteristics of both. If you are talking about heirloom fruits or vegetables, homegrown seed will work as well as store bought.

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in bought soil

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Q: What do seeds grow faster in bought soil or backyard soil?
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