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Most conifers have needles that serve the same purpose as leaves.

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Needles, usually "evergreen".

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Q: What do conifer leaves look like?
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What shape leaves do a conifer tree have?

A conifer has needle shaped leaves. The cones are the seed bearers.

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There are conifer trees. they have needle like leaves

What are leaves of conifers?

Conifer leaves are needle-like or scale-like in shape and are typically evergreen. They are adapted to conserve water and withstand harsh environmental conditions such as cold temperatures and strong winds. Conifer leaves also contain chemical compounds that help deter herbivores and pests.

What is needle shaped on a conifer?

The leaves.

What do conifer trees grow instead of leaves?

Conifer trees grow needles and cones

Is an oak tree a conifer tree?

no. a conifer refers to a plant that produces cones. oaks do not produce cones. An oak is a deciduous tree that looses it's leaves in the fall. Most conifer (coniferous) trees do not loose their leaves (needles or scale like leaves) in the fall and are 'evergreen'. Quercus ilex the Holm oak is evergreen.

How does a conifer tree diagram look like?

it looks like A CHRISTMAS tree

What mammal can eat conifer leaves?


What type of plant is it if the seed is on a cone?

A plant that produces seeds in a cone is likely a gymnosperm, such as a pine tree. Gymnosperms are a group of seed-producing plants that include conifers, cycads, and ginkgo. They differ from angiosperms (flowering plants) in that their seeds are not enclosed within a fruit.

What tree is a conifer?

A conifer is typically an evergreen, it does not drop its' 'leaves' (needles or scales) as do deciduous trees. Blue Spruce, White Pine, and Douglas fir are examples of conifer trees. Think Christmas trees - they are conifers. A conifer is a cone bearing tree. Some conifers are deciduous for example the Larch.