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You must have a control group, an experimental group, an experimental variable (also called the independent variable), and a response to be measured (also called the dependent variable). The experimental variable is applied only to the experimental group, so that any difference between the control group and experimental group is due only to the experimental variable. Both the control group and experimental group must have the same conditions, except for the experimental variable.

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Q: What conditions must be met if you want to have a scientifically valid sample for a study?
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How might choosing a small sample size affect a scientific investigation?

Statistically the results will not be scientifically valid if the sample size is too small.

What is the most scientifically valid research?


What makes some scientist ignore the more scientifically valid rapid-decay theory?

If you're talking about what I think you're talking about, the fact that it is not "scientifically valid" might have a lot to do with it.

What is the relationship between the problem statement and the research design?

Sample design and research design are two closely related concepts in research methodology, and the two are often interdependent. Research design refers to the overall plan or strategy for conducting research, including the selection of research methods, data collection procedures, and data analysis techniques. The research design is typically determined by the research question and the purpose of the study. Sample design, on the other hand, refers to the process of selecting a sample from a larger population for research or data analysis. The sample is a subset of the population that is selected to represent the population's characteristics accurately. The sample design is determined by the research question, the research design, and the population's characteristics. The relationship between sample design and research design is that the sample design is a critical component of the research design. The research design determines the overall approach to the study, while the sample design determines the specific subset of the population that will be studied. The research design guides the selection of research methods, data collection procedures, and data analysis techniques, while the sample design determines the size of the sample, the sampling method, and the criteria for inclusion in the sample. The sample design must be aligned with the research design to ensure that the sample represents the population's characteristics accurately and that the results are valid and reliable. Therefore, sample design and research design are interdependent and must be carefully considered when conducting research to ensure that the results are meaningful and accurate.

What does valid means in scientific terms?

A conclusion or assertion would be considered to be scientifically valid if the data are accurate and the reasoning based on that data is, as far as we can tell, correctly reasoned. Science does not deal in absolute truth, which is why scientists prefer the term valid, which indicates that as far as we presently know, this statement is true, although new data and/or new reasoning may cause us to change our minds in the future.

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Which conditions may be met for a scientifically valid sample?

at random to represent the population

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1) What conditions are required to form a valid large-sample confidence interval for µ?

How might choosing a small sample size affect a scientific investigation?

Statistically the results will not be scientifically valid if the sample size is too small.

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a biased sample is valid determin

What conditions are required for a valid large sample test for p?

N>=30 N at-least greater then 30

What is the most scientifically valid research?


What makes some scientist ignore the more scientifically valid rapid-decay theory?

If you're talking about what I think you're talking about, the fact that it is not "scientifically valid" might have a lot to do with it.

Why is obtaining a representative sample important?

Many statistical statements for a population which are based on a sample are not valid if the sample is not representative.

Why is it important to have a representative sample when doing surveys?

Because without representative sample, your results will not be valid.

Is cse mohali is valid for study in Australia?

this board is not valid

How long is a group and hold blood sample valid for?

30 min

How do you move any object without touching it?

This is known as telekinesis and so far, no one has been able to demonstrate such an ability under scientifically valid testing conditions that was not able to be debunked. There are also no known principles of physics which would allow for such an ability.