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the heat from the fire! what kind of question is that?

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Q: What cause you to get warm if you stand near a fire?
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Why do people create a fire near the tree in morning not in noon?

cuz lye it hep them to be warm insed

What to do when your foot is a bit frozen?

make a warm fire and put your foot near it not too close but 12 inches away

How do ocean surfaces cause milder climate?

Ocean currents can carry warm water. As they are traveling, the warm water they are carrying warms up the air near them. The warmed air may then also warm the land around it, making the temperature of the land near the ocean currents milder.

How do ocean surface currents cause milder climates?

Ocean currents can carry warm water. As they are traveling, the warm water they are carrying warms up the air near them. The warmed air may then also warm the land around it, making the temperature of the land near the ocean currents milder.

Is the Caribbean very hot?

The Caribbean isn't burning hot like fire. the air is warm and breazy with a very warm breeze but if u stand in the sun then it would be hot. so the Caribbean is just warm. but at night time it is cooled by breezes from the ocean.

How does the air move in a room with a fire?

In a room with a fire, the air near the fire gets heated and rises. This creates a convection current where cooler air moves in to replace the rising warm air, creating a circulation of air within the room.

What type of heat transfer can cause winds?

Convection currents in the air cause winds to form. As warm air rises, cooler air rushes in to fill its space near the ground. The rising warm air becomes cooler and begins to fall. The cooler air near the ground becomes warmer and begins to rise.

What makes you warm that rhymes with hire?


What cause of illnesses?

The causes of illness are not eating properly staying around others who have been unwell not keeping yourself warm in the cold staying near people who smoke can cause illness

Why are all states along the equator warm?

They are warm because the states are near to the equator and the equator is near to the sun.

What is the adverb in the sentence a warm fire beckoned the travelers inside?

warm is the answer

What dangers can fire make?

its warm