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Q: What can you say the objects you gathered?
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What is the difference between the words gathered and clustered?

"Gathered" typically implies objects or people coming together in one place or uniting for a specific purpose. "Clustered" refers to objects or people being closely grouped together in a specific arrangement or pattern.

How did iriqois get their food?

I would say that they hunted and gathered food.

What kind of energy is gathered in the form of visible light radio waves and x-rays in order to learn about objects that exist far away in space?

Electromagnetic energy is gathered in the form of visible light, radio waves, and x-rays to learn about objects in space. Different telescopes and instruments are used to collect and analyze these electromagnetic signals to study the properties and behavior of celestial objects located far away.

How do you say passed away in Russian?

The following was gathered from : Passed away = Скончавшийся

How do you say class objects in french?

Class objects or Glass Objects? Class Objects is objets de classe Glass objects is objets en verre

What is the best description of phenomenology?

Phenomenology refers to the power of the human mind to recognize emotions and information gathered by the senses in the objects of consciousness and acts of consciousness.

Where does the Bible say Wherever two or more are gathered in My name or His name?

For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them Matthew 18:12

What is a synonym gathered?

what is gathered in synonym

What is the past tense of gathered?

"gathered" is already in the past tense, the present tense of "gathered" is "gather"

How do you say objects in Spanish?

The Spanish word for "objects" is: objetos.

How do you say school objects in french?

Objets scolaires

How is wind gathered?

it is gathered from the biomolecules and molecule