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Q: What can A sink within the decontamination area can be descrbed as?
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Utility Sink ?

form_title= Utility Sink form_header= Make household projects easier with a utility sink. Where will you be installing a utility sink?*= _ [50] Is there already plumbing in there area?*= () Yes () No When do you want the sink installed?*= _ [50]

Why do high heels sink in grass?

They sink because they apply huge pressure over a small area and that area of grass is too soft to support the pressure.

When will an object sink or float?

Object will sink when the area replaced by the object is less than the body of water and vice-versa .

What term describes an area where sugars are used or stored?

Sugar depot.

Why would a tractor sink if it had thinner tires?

A tractor would sink because the pressure is high and all the weight is in a small place. with a large surface area it is harder to sink

Why you use a heat sink?

A heat sink increases the surface area of a hot item and increases the ability of the item to cool or be cooled.

Why is a sink called a sink?

Probably because it draws/absorbs the heat making the heat "sink" into it

How close does a dish washer have to be to a sink?

I would say that within arms reach should be a general rule. This allows easy plumbing into the existing sink and drainage.

Did German subs sink allies ships within views of the us?

126 your welcome

Why do not we skiers sink in fresh snow?

We do not sink because the skis have a high surface area compared to our feet, therefore we would float on fresh snow.