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Q: What battery goes in a fossil am3421 watch?
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What is the definition of an impression fossil?

Sometimes a fossil is formed when the organic matter is impressed in clay or some similar substance. The organic substance rots away, but the impression it left remains, and if the clay which holds the impression petrifies, it becomes a fossil.

What percent of geologic time is represented by abundant fossil evidence?

The planet Earth is about 4,600 million years old. Fossil evidence becomes abundant in the geological record in the Cambrian Era, which was about 550 million years ago (when hard shelled animals appeared) Therefore (550/4600)*100 = roughly 12% of Geological time contains abundant fossil evidence. However, please note that (non abundant) fossil evidence goes back about 3600 million years, (3600/4600)*100 = roughly 73% of Geologic time.

What is steady deflection?

When battery key and galvanometer key are pressed together ..throws comes out on the meter scale which goes on either side and stop there..that is steady deflection...

What is fossil succession?

Fossil organisms succeed one another in a definite and determinable order, and therefore any time period can be recognized by its fossil content. -organisms evolve, and organisms become extinct. Proposed by William Smith late 1700's and early 1800's

What is in a batery?

WHAT'S INSIDE A BATTERY?While there are many different types of batteries, the basic concept by which they function remains the same. When a device is connected to a battery, a reaction occurs that produces electrical energy. This is known as an electrochemical reaction. Italian physicist Count Alessandro Volta first discovered this process in 1799 when he created a simple battery from metal plates and brine-soaked cardboard or paper. Since then, scientists have greatly improved upon Volta's original design to create batteries made from a variety of materials that come in a multitude of sizes.Today, batteries are all around us. They power our wristwatches for months at a time. They keep our alarm clocks and telephones working, even if the electricity goes out. They run our smoke detectors, electric razors, power drills, mp3 players, thermostats -- and the list goes on.

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A 371 watch battery

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What battery goes in a fossil blue am-3920 watch?

Not all Fossil watches carry the same battery, so you'll need to verify the make of your watch and see what battery type is compatible. Replacing batteries yourself can be tricky and could harm the watch internally. Your best bet is to send the watch into Fossil for a replacement. It will cost you $18.50, which includes return shipping and handling fee.

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321 battery I couldn't find it anywhere, I ordered off Ebay. Free shipping. I think 3.97 for 5 batteries.

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What size battery goes in a fossil blue am3457 watch?

I have the same problem! I called Fossil, gave them the # and the woman on the phone was SO polite and helpful! SR621SW cross reference # is 364 which is a Rayovac 364, or a Duracell D364. Hope this helps you, it sure did me!

What battery goes in a fossil blue watch?

I have a Fossil Blue BQ-8774. To remove the watch back cover, I unscrewed the entire cover. There are notches in the back cover, and I used a small screwdriver in one of the notches and tapped it repeatedly, opening the back cover in a counter-clockwise direction. The battery inside was a 373, also known as SR916SW.

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