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One of the main strengths of the behaviourist approach is that it focuses only on behaviour that can be observed and manipulated. Therefore, this approach has proved very useful in experiments under laboratory conditions where behaviour can be observed and manipulated, especially in relation to the IV (independent variable) and the DV (dependent variable). The behaviourist principles of learning have been, and continue to be, tested in the laboratory where learning can be objectively measured.

The behaviourist approach concentrates on the 'here and now' rather than exploring a person's past or their medical history. This is an advantage because many people do not know the past causes for their abnormal behaviour. And for many people getting rid of undesirable behaviour may be more important than understanding the causes of such behaviour. For example, a client with an irrational compulsion to wash his hands unnecessarily many times every day may be satisfied by simply ridding himself of the abnormal behaviour.

On the other hand, if an approach cannot treat the underlying causes of the behaviour, it is likely the behaviour will return after a period of time. Behavioural treatments such as Systematic Desensitisation and Token Economies are effective for certain disorders, such as obsessive-compulsive disorders and phobias. However, they are not so effective for more serious disorders, such as schizophrenia.

The behaviourist approach has been criticized for suggesting that most human behaviour is mechanical, and that human behaviour is simply the product of stimulus-response behaviours. This seems to be a very reductionist attitude.

In particular, the approach ignores human beings' complex thought processes (cognition) and emotions. In Social Learning Theory, Bandura (1977)has revealed that cognitive factors cannot be ignored if learning is to be understood. Bandura has pointed out that it is knowing, having the information, that certain behaviours will be rewarded or punished that shapes behaviour just as much as the rewards or punishments themselves. For example, Little Johnny knows he will be smacked for touching the electric fire, and that is why he does not touch it.

In addition, the principles of behaviourism have been tested mainly on animals. Such findings may not apply totally to human behaviour, which is much more complex.

Finally, ethical questions have been raised over some behavioral treatments which have been used without the consent of the client, and in treatments such as Aversion Therapy where pain and discomfort are deliberately used to change the behaviour of the client.

Hoshi-Chan x

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