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The tubes used when having blood drawn serve more than one purpose. Obviously, something needs to hold the blood after it is collected. Each tube is a different color, so that different types of tests can be done. Tubes are colored differently to identify the different additives in them, and to also allow an easier time identifying the different departments that they must go to for testing.

The tubes in the draw are different colors because they have differerent anticogulates in them, which is basically just a big word for how long it takes the blood to clot. Some tests require a different amount of anticogulates. A plain red tube for example cannot have any anticogulates because that's the tube you draw when your doing a blood type or crossmatch and you can't have anything to interfere with the test. Tubes have to clot before they can be centrifuged (spun down) and after they are centrifuged you can run the test on the blood. So if it is a stat order its best to get a tube with the most anticogulate so you don't have to wait as long for the blood to clot so you can run the test.

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Q: What are the tubes of blood draws for?
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Who draws your blood?

A Phlebotimist

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The different types of tubes used for blood collection include serum tubes, plasma tubes, anticoagulant tubes, and specialized tubes for specific tests.

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Capillaries are the tiny tubes that carry blood. These tubes connect arteries and veins.

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Blood vessels are the tubes that carry blood. The smallest of the blood vessels are the capillaries.

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The tubes that carry blood are known as the blood vessels. These include the capillaries, arteries, and veins.

Tubes that carry blood around the blood?

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Blood vessels are the tubes through which blood travels. They include veins, capillaries, and arteries.

What are the 3 blood tubes?

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