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do a experiment

think about the results

Form a conclusion

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Q: What are the three main skills that scientists use?
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It would be sedimentary,igneous,metamorphic rock

What are the seven science process skills scientists use?

The seven science process skills are observing, inferring, predicting, classifying, measuring, communicating, and experimenting. Scientists use these skills to investigate, understand, and solve problems in the natural world.

What is the name for the skills scientists use to solve problem?

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The four main skills you use when communicating with adults are eye contact, efficient speaking, listening skills, and gestures.

What 3 skills do scientists use to learn more about the world?

Observing, Inferring, Predicting.

What are the 8 skills a scientist uses in an investigation?

Eight skills scientists use are:Analytical skillsMathematical/statistics skillsCommunication skillsCuriosityCollaborationProblem-solvingTechnological/data skillsPredictive skills

What are the three skills that scientists use?

The Scientific Skills are the skill you use to answer a hypothesis or a prediction. In a lab you would use the Scientific Skills of Predicting, then Experimenting, then getting a Conclusion.

What are six skills scientists use use to learn about the world?

Observing, infering, classifying, making models, predicting, and evaluating.

What are the three basic steps that scientists use to conduct a scientists investigation?

The scientific method of inquiry has three basic steps: Observe Question/hypothesize Experiment.

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What are the three main parts of the scientific process?

The three main parts of the scientific process are hypothesis formation, experimentation, and data analysis. Scientists use these steps to test ideas and theories, gather evidence, and draw conclusions based on their findings.