The risks of using fossil fuels are
Fossil fuel is a resource that pollutes air.
Animals life
They are burned with oxygen to produce energy.
Wood is a fuel as it can provide energy by burning. But, it is not formed by fossils and hence not called a fossil fuel.
If you are using bio fuel you are not using fossil fuel. Crude oil is a fossil fuel
Acid rain and global warming are the man two risks using oil as fuel.
Fossil fuel is a resource that pollutes air.
'Oils and gasses' are fossil fuels.
Take careful from fire
It will cause global warming
by using it effectively
Animals life
Fossil fuel may be used in the production of biofuels.
Fossil Fuel Reserves-Reserve-The amount of fossil fuel that can be extracted for profit•Methane Hydrates-New energy source found in the oceanANSWER: Reserves
Petrol (gasoline) and diesel are types of fossil fuel, and most cars use one of those.