

Best Answer

tht wind is involved and then u need to run it through water and then wen u mis the solution up yo get a substance that is soo dense and viscous and then yaaa pretty much it and then u put nuclear energy in it so then it charges up the electrons and they are goood to go. and remember i won spell bee 2010

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Q: What are the risks associated with the production of solar energy?
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What are some pros and cons of using solar energy?

One will find using solar energy has it's own set of pros and cons. Since using solar energy doesn't produce pollution, it can help improve the environment of the earth. However, a con of using solar energy would be the production of the solar energy collecting devices, which do produce quite a bit of pollution.

Is solar a sustainable form of energy production?

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by sustainable, but solar energy will be available until the Earth dies. So, in that sense it is sustainable. On the other hand it is not economically feasible as a broad based source of energy, so in that sense it is not sustainable.

What are the advantages of solar power?

Solar power is a sustainable energy source; the Sun emits solar energy regardless of whether we capture it and transform it into electricity. This means that it can be used as an energy source indefinitely without fear that the resource providing it will run out. 1. Solar energy is free although there is a cost in the building of 'collectors' and other equipment required to convert solar energy into electricity or hot water. 2. Solar energy does not cause pollution. However, solar collectors and other associated equipment / machines are manufactured in factories that in turn cause some pollution. 3. Solar energy can be used in remote areas where it is too expensive to extend the electricity power grid. 4. Many everyday items such as calculators and other low power consuming devices can be powered by solar energy effectively. 5. It is estimated that the worlds oil reserves will last for 30 to 40 years. On the other hand, solar energy is infinite (forever).

Are solar panels an example of solar energy?

Solar panels are not an example of solar energy but rather they are means through which solar energy (that is energy from the sun) is converted into electricity. Check out the related link for great videos and information on solar panels.

Why are solar panels good for the environment?

Solar energy affects the environment in terms of renewable energy. Using solar energy helps to save the environment. For example, if solar energy was used for generating electricity, there will be less consumption of fuel at power plants with less production of electricity.

Related questions

What are the risks associated with solar energy?

Some risks associated with solar energy include intermittency of sunlight (cloud cover, nighttime), high upfront costs for installation, and potential environmental impact during the manufacturing process of solar panels. Additionally, there may be challenges in integrating solar energy into existing power grids and storage limitations.

What are the risks associated with the production of this energy source?

The promoters of solar energy cleverly lead you to believe that it is perfectly safe. Yet they conveniently neglect to mention that solar energy is generated by nuclear fusion within the sun. This process operates on the very same basic laws of nuclear physics used in nuclear power plants and atomic bombs!

What are the environmental concerns of solar energy?

No there are not any enviromental risks of solar energy.

Which area of technology might be associated with solar panels?

Energy or energy transfer is associated with solar panels.

Is it possible on Philippines to use solar thermal energy to produce electricity?

Where is the sun's solar energy production.

How is the production of Star fuel similar to the production of solar energy?

Both the production of Star fuel and solar energy involve harnessing power from natural sources. Star fuel, like solar energy, relies on the energy generated by stars, while solar energy captures the sun's energy using solar panels. Both processes involve converting natural energy sources into usable forms of energy for consumption.

Which country uses the most solar energy?

China is the country that uses the most solar energy. It is a global leader in solar energy production and has made significant investments in solar technology and infrastructure.

Is solar energy kinetic?

Solar energy is a form of radiant energy, not kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is associated with movement, while solar energy is harnessed from the sun's electromagnetic radiation.

What terms are associated with volcanic eruptions solar energy chemical energy fusion or geothermal energy?

geothermal energy

The site of solar energy production?

Solar energy is produced at solar power plants, which consist of solar panels that convert sunlight into electricity. These panels are typically installed in large arrays in sunny locations to maximize energy production. The electricity generated can then be used to power homes, businesses, and other facilities.

What kind of companies are power jobs associated with?

Power jobs are usually associated with companies in the energy sector, such as power plants, utility companies, renewable energy companies, and engineering firms that specialize in energy production and distribution.

When you run out of the solar energy what are you going to use?

When solar energy is not available, alternative sources such as wind, hydroelectric, geothermal, and biomass can be used for energy production. These sources can provide a reliable energy supply to meet the demand when solar energy is not accessible.