The names of the nerve cell? I'm not sure I understand the question in it's entirety It's pretty basic nothing overly complex. Well the nueron is comprised of the cell body or the soma, which has branch-like appendages which are called dendrites meaning treelike. The axon which has a covering called the myelin sheath that helps sends messages faster. We have motor nuerons, sensory nuerons and internuerons. Bipolar neurons, psuedounipolar, and multipolar nuerons. As for naming them, they are named for the region they are found/located around. olfactory nuerons, hypoglossal, vagus, accessory, glossopharyngeal etc. . .
receive stimuli (irritability), and conduct waves of excitation, or impulses, to all parts of the body (conductivity)
The electrical potential difference between the interior of a cell and the external interstitial space is generated by the actions of the electrogenic Na-K Atpase. What does this mean in plain language? That in the cell membrane there are ion pumps that move sodium up it's concentration gradient using the energy in ATP to accomplish this.
During sleep, the medulla oblongata controls sleep and arousal monitoring sensors to the cortex and other parts of the body. There are cholinergic neurons in the medulla oblongata that remain active during REM sleep. When a person experiences sleep walking, these neurons become inactive which causes a person to sleep while in action.
The Spinal Cord is the thick column of nerve tissue that links the brain to most of the nerves.
A bundle of neurons makes up a nerve, which will send messages from parts of the body to other areas.
nerve cells called neurons
The two parts of neurons responsible for sensing and returning nerve impulses are the dendrites, which receive incoming signals from other neurons, and the axon, which transmits the signal away from the cell body to other neurons or target cells.
Nerve cells are called neurons.
neurons and neuroglia
The cells that transmit nerve impulses in the nervous system are called neurons. Neurons are specialized cells that are capable of generating and conducting electrical signals throughout the body. They form the basic building blocks of the nervous system and are essential for communication between different parts of the body.
The nervous system relays impulses between the brain and other body parts through nerve cells called neurons. These neurons communicate through electrical signals that travel along nerve fibers to transmit information throughout the body.
Neurons in the retina exit the eye forming the optic nerve.