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science and technology helps in improving the civilization or making the people civilized it makes mans work understanding science we can understand the world.

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Q: What are the important advantages of science and technology?
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What are 5 most important advantages of science and technology?


Give 5 advantages of science and technology?

give 5 advantages and disavantages of technology

Names the advantages of technology?

Hi, technology is an advancement in science.

Why is technology important to science?

technology is important to science, because it helps the numbers in science come out more accurate and easier.

What is the definition of technology important of science and technology?

Science discovers and Technology makes things from the discovery

Why science is important in technology?

Science is very important to technology because without discovering something first, how can you make something else? In every tehcnology made, there is always science applied to it. There no technology with out science possibilities. Without Science, there is no technology.

What is the important of Science technology society?

science technology is important because if we dont have science technology then we cant invent gadgets that we use to make hand work easier like computer,cellphone and other things that is been invent by science technology

What are the advantages and disadvantage of science and technology?

Advantages: Higher standard of living. Disadvantages: Unbalancing of natural order.

Advantages of science and technology in your society?

Very broad question, but among the biggest advantages of technology is the globalization of information and communication. Now we can communicate with the world instantly.

Why science and technology is important for community?

There are many reasons why science and technology are important for community. These two things improve medical care for example.

The importance of technology and how it relates to science?

its important

What are the advantages and disadvantagesof science and technology?

Advantages of science are that it has made the way and standard of living better. We cannot make-out any disadvantages of science unless it is brought into any carelessness or mishandling by mankind (humans)