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what are the example of basal adjectives

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Q: What are the examples of basal adjectives?
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What is basal adjectives?

basal adjective is an adjective that is basal

What are the forms of basal adjectives?

because of you

What are basal adjectives?

providing the base or starting point from which something can develop simple and not complicated.

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Interrogative adjectives are: Which, when who, how or why. Answer by:QLA

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Examples of adjectives are:ampleannualbluecarefuldeliciouselusivefreshgoodgrandhappyicyjealouskeenlooseluckymortgagednoticeableoriginalovalpolitequietrosysordidsplendidtrueuglyvaguewetyellowzealous

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What are the examples ofadjective?

Some examples of adjectives are sweet, sour, icy, rough, large, small, hollow, round, and oval. Adjectives are words that generally describe a noun. Adjectives are parts of speech.

A and and the are examples of this type of adjective?

"a" and "the" are not adjectives. These are examples of what we call article(s).

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That is a tall building.

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