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Large mass (in astronomical terms) bend and distort the fabric of spacetime.

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Q: What are the effects of a large mass on space?
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Do large masses always have large weight?

No. Think of the space shuttle. On the ground it is very heavy, and has substantial mass. In orbit it has no weight, but the mass stays the same.

Which describes how the same force effects a small mass and a large mass?

The same force applied to a small mass will cause a larger acceleration compared to a large mass since acceleration is inversely proportional to mass (F=ma). This means the small mass will experience a greater change in velocity in response to the force compared to the large mass.

Living in space how it effects human body?

Loss of muscle tone and bone mass, among others.

How are planets sizes related to their surface gravity?

Usually, large size= large mass. The more mass you have the greater the gravity, but it also depends on how much mass is in a certain amount of space. For example if a large amount of mass spread over a large area the gravity will be less than if all that mass was condensed into a single point.

Why do real gas laws deviate from. The ideal gas laws at low temperature?

Ideal gases theoretically have no mass, they are single points. Normally the small size (in comparison to the large space between them) of non-ideal gasses is insignificant, however at low temperatures when kinetic energy and the space between particles is low this mass has significant effects.

Why does black hole sucks things in?

The "sucking" is done by the gravity. A black hole has a large mass, concentrated in a small region of space.The "sucking" is done by the gravity. A black hole has a large mass, concentrated in a small region of space.The "sucking" is done by the gravity. A black hole has a large mass, concentrated in a small region of space.The "sucking" is done by the gravity. A black hole has a large mass, concentrated in a small region of space.

What are the side effects of eating bread that did not rise in the oven?

you will fall asleep because of all the mass in one space

What are the effects of force on a mass?

The effects of force on a mass is acceleration of the mass.

What has a small capacity and large mass?

An object with a high density, such as a lead ball, can have a small capacity (volume) but a large mass. This is because density is the ratio of an object's mass to its volume, so objects with high density have a lot of mass packed into a small space.

What is the measure of the amount of matter that occupies a particular space?

The measure of the amount of matter that occupies a particular space is known as mass. It is typically measured in units such as kilograms or grams. Mass is a fundamental property of matter and is independent of the effects of gravity.

How does time effect space?

Time and space are interconnected according to the theory of relativity. Time can affect space by bending it, creating what we know as gravitational effects. The presence of mass or energy can bend and warp spacetime, influencing the motion of objects within it.

What is a large mass of ice and dust in space with a tail called?

A large mass of ice and dust in space with a tail is called a comet. As a comet approaches the sun, the heat causes the ice to vaporize and create a glowing tail that points away from the sun due to solar wind.