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Q: What are the difference between the general environment and the industry environment why are these differences important?
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What is the difference of backward and forward linkages?

Froward Linkages - When one industry or sector produces the raw materials for another, this is referred to as the forward linkage. Forward movement of the activity Backward Linkages - Means that one industry has to depend upon another industry that is not directly related to it for services.

What is the difference between Montessori and Erikson theory?

Erickson believed a child had three key stages of the development, and each required special needs for the child. The first was basic trust versus basic mistrust, and necessitated consistent and caring adults who provide a safe environment. Second is initiative versus guilt and requires a safe environment where they are allowed to make choices. Third is industry versus inferiority which needs encouraging adults who will allow them to develop and create their own ideas. Many of Montessori and Erickson's beliefs were similar, since Erickson was a certified Montessori teacher. The only difference is the 'encouraging adults,' which Maria Montessori believed could be a detriment since they could break the important concentration children need in their learning process. She was against both criticism as well as praise since it served to break that concentration.

What important developments took place in scientific instruments?

Scientific instruments may be usefully regarded as the capital goods of the research industry. Example: Computers.

What is the role of chemistry to society and industry?

Chemistry plays a vital role in both society and industry. Chemistry is important in all manner of areas, from food production (toxicity, dyes) to agriculture (fertilizers and insecticides) to energy.

How many types of industries are there?

There are three types of industry. They are cottage and small-scale industry medium and large-scale industry tourist industry

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what is the differences between Industry and Market

Important elements in environment and industry?

Environmental factors: Natural resources, climate, pollution levels, and biodiversity. Industry factors: Market demand, competition, technology, regulation, and workforce availability.

What is one key difference in JIT in a service environment from a manufacturing environment?

In service industry the just in time pertains to delivering schedule while in a manufacturing environment , JIT is used for batch completion.

What are the differences of today's industry from the past industry?

these industries are modern

What is the difference between general environment and industry environment?

The general environment are the factors, conditions (such as legal, social and political situations) affecting people in an industry, It describes how society can affect a business or industry in general. These can be government regulations on trade practices,employment and taxation or even the economic climate: whether consumers have the purchasing power and willingness to buy products and services. WHILE The Industry enviroment describes all conditions that can affect a business within the strict boundaries of a financial sector. It encompasses "Porter's Five Forces," such as rivalry between the industry's firms, the threat of new entrants, the threat of substitute products, the bargaining power of customers and the bargaining power of suppliers. Jerry NA god

What is a Green Industry?

it is the industry that has no effect on life of people and it is useful for all individualsit is very important to all societyit protect the environment from pollutionit is saves money for the state

Explain how the general environment and the industry environment are highly related how can such relationship affect the profitability of a firm or industry?

The general environment includes factors like economic conditions, socio-cultural trends, and technological advancements that can impact the industry environment, which consists of competitors, suppliers, and buyers. Changes in the general environment can create opportunities or threats in the industry environment, influencing the profitability of a firm or industry. For example, a recession in the general environment may lead to reduced consumer spending in the industry environment, affecting sales and profitability.

How industry help to save environment?

Industry is somewhat helping. It is creating environment friendly products.

What is the difference between eccentric and concentric pipe intersection in oil and gas industry piping?

Let me know about the usage of Eccentric and Concentric pipe intersection in oil and gas industry? What are the major differences and concerns about Eccentric and Concentric pipe intersection in oil and gas industry?

What are the importance of hospitality industry in Nigeria?

The hospitality industry is quite important as it gives tourists a place to stay and food to eat. It also ensures that business professionals have a conducive environment for their endeavors.

What is an important industry in Scandinavia?

Norway has an important oil industry.

Impact of it industry on environment?

Industries mostly contribute to the pollution of the environment.