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Q: What are the conventional and non conventional energy sources in the Philippines?
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What are the non conventional sources of energy in the Philippines?

Flatable and inflatable energy.. :)

Which is a better source of energy conventional and non conventional sources of energy?

Non-conventional sources of energy are generally considered better because they are renewable and have lower environmental impacts compared to conventional sources such as fossil fuels. Non-conventional sources like solar, wind, and hydro power offer sustainable alternatives for the future.

Non conventional energy sources with focus on solar energy?

how convert conveniotional energy into non conventional energy

What are the types of the conventional and non conventional sources of energy?

Conventional energy sources are coal, oil, natural gas, and hydraulic energy sources.Non conventional energy sources are nuclear, solar, wind, geothermal, wave, tide, and biomass energy sources.

Is it possible to replace non-conventional energy sources in the form of conventional energy sources?

Yes, but all the world's attention is on the reverse, the replacement of conventional energy by non-conventional, so I don't see the point of the question

How does non conventional sources of energy differ from conventional energy sources?

Only by being unusual or used in an unusual way.

What are the differences between conventional and non conventional sources of energy?

Conventional sources of energy are well-established and widely used, such as fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas), while non-conventional sources are newer and less commonly used, like solar, wind, and geothermal energy. Conventional sources are finite and contribute to environmental issues like air pollution and climate change, whereas non-conventional sources are renewable, cleaner, and more sustainable in the long term. Transitioning to non-conventional sources can help reduce dependency on finite resources and mitigate environmental impacts.

Why non conventional energy sources are better than conventional sources of energy?

Non-conventional energy sources are considered better than conventional sources because they are typically more environmentally friendly, as they produce less pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. They are also usually more sustainable in the long term, as they rely on sources like sunlight, wind, and water that are abundant and renewable. Additionally, non-conventional energy sources can help reduce dependence on fossil fuels and increase energy security.

What conventional energy sources?

Conventional energy sources are energy sources that are considered normal to use. For example, coal, nuclear, geothermal, hydroelectricity, and natural gas are sources of conventional energy. Non-conventional energy would include something completely weird and disliked, like burning corpses or puppies for energy.

Difference between conventional and non conventional sources of energy?

Conventional sources of energy are those that have been widely used for a long time, such as fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas), while non-conventional sources are newer and less common, like solar, wind, and geothermal energy. Conventional sources are finite and contribute to climate change, while non-conventional sources are renewable and more environmentally friendly. Transitioning to non-conventional sources is essential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and addressing climate change.

What is the difference between conventional energy and non conventional energy?

energy we cannot reproduce eg:fossil fuels is called conventional sources of energy energy which can be reproduced for unlimited times.also known as renewable sources eg:light enrg from sun.

Is atomic energy a non conventional energy?

Yes, atomic energy is considered a non-conventional source of energy. It is derived from nuclear reactions, specifically fission or fusion processes, and is different from conventional sources like fossil fuels or renewable energy sources.