condensation =)
Condensation is the change of the physical state of matter from gaseous phase into liquid phase and is the reverse of evaporation.
The water is evaporated creating condensation. TEchnically the clouds are condensation
Precipitation Wind Condensation
condensation =)
melting, vaporization, sublimation, condensation, freezing, and deposition are six types of changes in matter.
The two types of condensation are dew and fog. Dew forms when moist air comes into contact with a cool surface, causing water vapor to condense into liquid water droplets. Fog occurs when moist air cools to its dew point, leading to the condensation of water droplets in the air, creating a visible cloud near the ground.
Some words that can be made from the word condensation are:aaceactactionadaidaideandantascendatatecadetcancanecantcan'tcantorcasecastcastecatcentcoalcoastcoatcodcodeconconecoolcostcodecostcotdancedatedeandendensedentdicedietdindinediscdiscodondonedonatedosedotedudeducteasteateditendetc.Iiceiconidideainindentintendintoionisisn'tititsit'snachonationneatnicenonodnodenonenoonnoosenosenotenotionoatoceanodeononesadsaidsanctionsandsanesatesatinscanscantscatscionsconescootseaseatsectionsendsentsidesinsincesinesitsitesosodsodasonsonnetsoonsootsotstonetadtantentensetensiontidetintinetotoadtoetontonetonsiltoo
its earlobes earlobes are always the answer
Sleet and snow are not types of condensation. Sleet is a type of precipitation that consists of small ice pellets, while snow is composed of individual ice crystals. Condensation occurs when water vapor in the air turns into liquid water droplets.
Yes, both evaporation and condensation are types of vaporization. Evaporation is the process in which a liquid turns into a gas, whereas condensation is the process in which a gas turns back into a liquid. Both involve the conversion of a substance between its liquid and gaseous states.
To insulate the tank from condensation
when a glass has ice in it and you add some water let it sit for two -three minutes and you see condensation.
rain is precipitation that condensed from the atmosphere (condensation). puddles evaporate into the atmosphere after it rains (evaporation).