nun of yall buzznizzz
EXAMPLE: They gave me a bonus.
Heat doesn't travel through a vacuum. The energy could be changed to light and radiate across the gap, so that would be radiation.
putrid pollution filled the air
I'm gona scatter your face
Does the pain in your elbow radiate to your hand(?)
I'm hesitant to say, "All" -- I'm sure someone could find some example of a type of matter that does not do so -- but (1) all objects with a temperature radiate SOME blackbody radiation, (2) all electrons will, if accelerated, radiate photons, and (3) all nuclei will, if there is a decay, radiate some amount of gamma rays.
The sun's rays radiate heat and light across our solar system.
Yes planets do radiate noise. But not all of them do
There are no sentences for this. Those are not words.
A receiving antenna does "re-radiate" some of the power it receives, but not all. Some of the power it receives proceeds into the receiver ... which is the only way we detect the signal being received by the antenna.
The warm sun seemed to radiate healing energy on the hikers as they rested by the peaceful lake.
yes i want some sentences about pollution in Urdu.
The sunlight seemed to radiate warmth as it shone through the window.
Some of the sentences that I see in Example Sentences are quite laughable.
So, you need some example sentences? I felt so relieved to finish my example sentences. The boy wrote, "So what?" as an example sentence.
you are an idiot