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Some general effects of a mutation are changes in DNA/RNA sequences and plausibly alteration of the product of a gene or the prevention of a gene from functioning properly.

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Q: What are some general effects of a mutation?
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What kind of mutation is a tumor?

it is a mutation like PLX4032 it reverses the effects of a mutation found in certain tumors

What effects can mutation have a virus?

They create genetic variations.

What is the effects of mutation?

A mutation is a permenent in DNA sequence of a gene,mutation in a gene's DNA sequence can alterthe aminoacid sequence of the protein encodedby the gene.

Is this mutation dominant or recessive?

it depends on what mutation you speak of. some are and some are not.

What are the signs of a mutation?

Abnormal cell growth and foreign side effects.

What is pleiotropism?

it refers to gene or mutation that has multiple effects like polyphenotype

What are some negative effects if mutations?

Abnormality in cell growth and the cell cycle leading to cancer

What could be a beneficial effect of a mutation?

gene mutation has many profound and long lasting effects. for starter mutation can change course of evolution. it also can create many heridatory deseases. it can make some desease cousing organisms to become drug resistant. gene mutation can create new species.

Which of the following situations is most usual for a dominant allele that results in severe effects in the offspring?

The trait occurs by mutation.

Why should a mutation persist if it kills people?

A mutation may persist if it provides a survival advantage to carriers despite its harmful effects on some individuals. This could be due to factors such as increased reproductive success or traits that benefit the species as a whole. Additionally, the mutation may not affect individuals until after they have already passed on their genes.

When do a mutation take affect on an organism?

A mutation can take effect on an organism immediately upon occurrence, influencing traits or characteristics. However, some mutations may not result in noticeable effects depending on the gene involved or if it occurs in non-coding regions of the DNA.

What are some of the harmful and positive effects of genetic mutations?

Genetic mutation have a few effects to look out for. First of all, a genetically mutated body part or organ will not function as long as an average body part or organ. However, in some cases, these mutations are helpful for those whom could otherwise use them as prosthetic organs or body parts. In addition, people whom have a genetic mutation are sometimes given a monthly check if their mutation prohibits them from every day tasks.