A part of the body of an animal that is crucial in surviving, in other words a useful and fully functional part of the body.
Adaptation is things that is important for any living things such as animals and plants. So functional adaptation means functional facts about things that is important for any living things.
It has adaptations
Terrestrial adaptations are exhibited by the plants and animals living in land habitats. As there are varied types of land habitats, the adaptations shown by organisms also are of diverse kinds.
Physical and behavioral. If the climate changed and the temperature dropped significantly, then an organism may grow fur or increase its body fat. This is a physical adaptation and would happen over a period of time and possible over generations. If an organism usually makes its home in a burrow in the ground but the climate changes and makes the soil unsustainable for such a burrow, then the organism must then find a new place for it to make a home, possibly a tree. This change in the way it leads its life is known as behavioral adaptation and happens almost insantly.
Hollow, insulating fur and webbed feet are two functional adaptations of Polar bears.
its a functional adpation
Functional adaption is when something or someone has to change the way they live to adapt to their surroundings. An example would be an extreme change in the weather that would make someone have to completely renovate their home and change the kinds of clothing they wear.
Crows have strong beaks for foraging and manipulating objects, excellent vision for hunting and scavenging, and powerful wings for efficient flight. They also have highly developed cognitive abilities that help them problem solve and adapt to their environment.
They had no adaptations
what is the adaptations of a cugar
The functional button worked the factory very esily.
The functional group is the NH2. It is an amino functional group.
what are some adaptations viruses
what are the adaptations of a chi weenie
Adaptations?? What do you mean??