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fossil fuels are natural gasses that come from fossils. one fossil fuel is oil.

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Q: What are fossle fuels?
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Where are fossil fuels and minerals found?

The Earth's Lithosphere is the Crust and Upper Mantle. Fossil Fuels or Minerals Fuels are fossle source fuels, that is, carbon or hydrocarbons that are found on the earth's crust

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How do you download fossle and arckioligie?

....not entirely sure what you mean, but it's 'fossil' and 'archaeology.'

What causes the earth to have to many greenhouse gases in the atmosphere?

people burning fossle fules.

Where was the first dinosure fossle found?

The first dinosaur fossil was found in Haddonfield, New Jersey, USA in 1858. It was the Hadrosaurus foulkii, a duck-billed dinosaur.

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solar enegry is cleaner than gases like fossle fules and can power who buildings instead of cole that doesnt

Was the US an ocean?

Yes! Amazing right! If you go to lakes or ponds youre possible chances are that maby you could find yourself your own fossle!That will be great huh?!

How are fossil fuels converted to fuels?

how r fossil fuels canverted to fuels

What are the kinds of fuels?

oil fuels & gas fuels

What are alternative fuels?

Alternatives fuels are fuels that are not made from fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas).

The majority of the worlds electricity is supplied by burning 2 words?

fossil fuels

In Pokemon platinum how do you know somthing is a fossle?

:L The key point would be that it says "----- FOSSIL" Skull fossil Leaf fossil Shield fossil Whatever, it comes up in the name. Hope that helps