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  1. Endogenetic factors
  2. Exogenetic factors
  3. Structural & lithological characteristics of rocks
  4. Climate & vegetation
  5. Extra-terrestrial factors - Meteorite impact
  6. Time

By Sujeet

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13y ago
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13y ago

Idon' know if your still looking for the answer but i got plate boundaries, folding, biolgical activity, climate and weathering and deposition by water, glaciers, and wind. Hope this helps!!!

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13y ago

the causes of diff. types of landforms are man through weathering

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Q: What are factors that result in landscape formation?
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How does landscape affect soil formation?

Landscape affects soil formation through factors like climate, topography, parent material, organisms, and time. For example, the slope of a landscape influences the rate of erosion and water drainage, affecting soil depth and composition. The type of vegetation and amount of rainfall in an area also play a significant role in shaping the soil properties.

Factor responsible for the formation of the various drainage patterns?

The factors responsible for the formation of various drainage patterns include the underlying geology, slope of the land, climate, and human activities. These factors determine how water flows across the landscape, leading to the development of dendritic, radial, rectangular, trellis, or parallel drainage patterns.

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They are an integral part of the soil formation process

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Water and wind are the main factors.

What are the 6 factors that affect soil formation?

The six factors that affect soil formation are parent material, climate, organisms, topography, time, and human activities. Parent material refers to the rock or sediment from which the soil is formed, while climate influences factors such as temperature and precipitation. Organisms, such as plants and animals, contribute to the decomposition of organic material. Topography, or the landscape, affects soil formation through factors like erosion. Time is crucial as it determines how long soil-forming processes have been occurring, and human activities can impact soil formation through practices like farming or construction.

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a landscape formed from the dissolution of soluble rocks

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it is under it

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Mutations result in formation of genetically different cells.

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Wind shear can result in the formation of a tornado.

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The formation of a new species can result from various mechanisms, including natural selection, genetic drift, and isolation that lead to reproductive barriers between populations, preventing interbreeding. Over time, these factors can accumulate genetic differences and eventually result in distinct species.

How have glaciers shaped the landscape of Wisconsin?

Glaciers have shaped the landscape of Wisconsin in a number of ways. For example, the irregular landscape and boundaries of the state are a direct result of glacial melting.

How does erosion affect the landscape?

Erosion can change the landscape by wearing down rocks and soil through processes like wind, water, and ice movement. This can lead to the formation of valleys, canyons, and cliffs as the land is reshaped over time. Erosion can also result in loss of valuable soil for agriculture and increased sedimentation in bodies of water.