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Anything that does not allow permeation of water or other liquids. So think dense, thick, solid, smooth, or sealed surfaces



stainless steel





finished wood

laminate countertops

certain types of tiles or tiles that have been sealed to be nonporous (e.g. bathroom or kitchen tiles)

certain types of paper



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Q: What are examples of non-porous surfaces?
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What are examples of porous surfaces?

Anything that does not allow permeation of water or other liquids. So think dense, thick, solid, smooth, or sealed surfaces Examples: metals: stainless steel steel aluminum chrome vinyl finished wood laminate countertops certain types of tiles or tiles that have been sealed to be nonporous (e.g. bathroom or kitchen tiles) certain types of paper glass porcelain

Is stainless steel a nonporous surface?

Yes, we generally consider stainless steel to be a nonporous surface.

What is epoxy glue used for at a crime scene?

Epoxy glue can be used at a crime scene to lift latent fingerprints from nonporous surfaces. It is applied over the fingerprint, allowed to harden, and then peeled off to preserve the print before it is examined by forensic experts.

What is the difference between hard non-porous surface and soft non-porous surface?

Hard non-porous surfaces are rigid and do not allow liquids or gases to pass through, such as glass or metal. Soft non-porous surfaces are flexible but still do not allow liquids or gases to pass through, like plastic or leather. Both types of surfaces are easy to clean and maintain.

What are examples of impermeable surfaces?

Examples of impermeable surfaces include concrete, asphalt, metal, and plastic. These surfaces do not allow water to pass through, leading to increased surface runoff and potential flooding.

What are examples of high friction surfaces?

Some examples of relatively high friction surfaces are: sand paper, grass, and asphalt. In general, the rougher the surface, the more friction it has.

Is drywall nonporous?

Drywall is VERY porous .

What is an easy clean material?

Stainless steel is a good material for easy cleaning as it is nonporous and does not absorb dirt or grime. Other materials that are easy to clean include glass and ceramic due to their smooth surfaces that can be easily wiped down.

What are the examples of things with smooth surface?

Examples of things with smooth surfaces include glass windows, polished metal surfaces, ceramic tiles, and marble countertops.

What objects have curved surfaces?

A cone, cylinder and a sphere are three examples.

What are two examples of two surfaces that have a high coefficient of friction?

Sandpaper and asphalt both have relatively high coefficients of friction.

Is stainless steel nonporous?

No, Stainless steel is not porous. Steel how ever is.