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Q: What are different types of forensic evidence?
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What are the different types of forensic science evidence?

biological, chemical, or physical samples -Hope this could help y'all in some way!

What is forensic scientist do?

Forensic scientists analyze evidence at a crime scene. A forensic pathologist is different; they are the ones that examine the corpses.

What is the polilight?

The Polilight is a forensic light source used for detecting and examining different types of evidence such as fingerprints, trace evidence, and body fluids in crime scene investigations. It emits light at specific wavelengths that can reveal hidden evidence that is not visible to the naked eye.

Who can submit evidence in a forensic investigation?

i was just woundering who can submit evidence after a forensic investigation ?

What are the different types of evidence in court?

The four general types of evidence are: -Anecdotal Evidence - Testimonial Evidence - Statistical Evidence - Analogical Evidence Links to articles which can provide you with a clearer answer and descriptions are below.

Do forensic Scientists trace evidence?

Yes, forensic scientists analyze and trace various types of evidence found at a crime scene to help solve crimes. This can include analyzing DNA, fingerprints, blood spatter patterns, and other physical evidence to assist in criminal investigations.

How do forensics collect evidence?

The term "forensic" means to prepare an argument. Thus, strictly speaking, the debating team for an high school would be considered a "forensic team." There are forensic engineers, forensic Industrial Hygienists, even forensic plumbers. Not all who work in forensics go out and "collect evidence," for example while conducting a "forensic interview" the "evidence" is collected while speaking to a subject. A forensic accountant "collects evidence" by reading the ledgers and making notes and calculations. As a forensic Industrial Hygienist, I certainly go out in the field and collect evidence from crime scenes and the other types of locations. When we collect samples, we use a vast array of techniques depending on the type of material and the type of sample, and the analytical techniques we will ultimately employ.

What types of evidence do they analyze?

Forensic scientists analyze various types of evidence, including physical evidence such as DNA, fingerprints, fibers, and weapons. They also analyze digital evidence like computer files, emails, and cell phone data. Additionally, they may examine trace evidence such as soil, glass, or paint.

How many types of forensic science jobs are there?

Crime Lab Analyst, Crime Scene Analyst, Criminalist, Crime Lab Director, DNA Analyst, Evidence Custodian, Firearms Custodian, Fingerprint Techinician, Forensic Autopsy Assistant, Forensic Biologist, Forensic Evidence Techinician, Forensic Scientist, Law Enforcement Training Officer, Latent Print Examiner, Latent Print Techinician, Toxicologist, Trace Analyst these are some jobs that i found.

What are the release dates for Forensic Files - 2000 Army of Evidence?

Forensic Files - 2000 Army of Evidence was released on: USA: 2005

Why do you sample forensic evidence?

Forensic evidence is not 'sampled,' it is ANALYZED, by taking a 'sample' of it and conducting laboratory or or other technical tests or analyses of it.

What are those people called that examine the evidence from the crime scene?

Crime scene technicians - Evidence technicians - Forensic Technicians. Different agencies may have different titles for them.