A hypotonic solution has less than normal tension: hypo = less, and tonic = tonicity, the concentration of solute. Examples of hypotonic solutions: (1) Sports drinks that contain salts / electrolytes (2) physiologically: a. 0.45% NaCl (half-normal saline solution); since normal saline is 0.9% NaCl, any solution less than 9% is hypotonic b. dextrose 2.5% in water c. dextrose 2% in water
No, that's way below normal body temperature. About 37 deg C is considered normal.
Yes. Acidosis is when the blood pH is lower than normal. Alkalosis usually results from hyperventilation, whereas acidosis results from asphyxiation.
Yeah, that's in the normal range. 80-100 is usually considered normal for the MCV.
normal rg is 65-139. 139-140 is considered as border line case.
Normal Saline is an isotonic solution.
yes it is hypotonic to normal water. for more info, see is distilled water hypotonic or hypertonic.
No, half-normal saline solution is considered hypertonic as it has a higher osmolarity compared to normal saline solution (0.9% NaCl) which is isotonic.
The absolute numbers which are considered normal vary from one laboratory to another. Any results reported should come with information regarding the testing facility's normal range.
The results of a hepactetomy are considered normal when liver function resumes following a partial hepatectomy, or when the transplant liver starts functioning in the case of a total hepatectomy.
Colpotomy results are considered normal when the incision performed allows the surgeon to meet the goal of the overall surgical protocol.
it's hypotonic
Having less than the normal tone.
That depends entirely on what solution it is in. Hypotonic and hypertonic are relative terms to compare to solutions usually serperated by a seme-permeable membrane.
A hypotonic solution has a lower concentration of solutes compared to the solution it is being compared to. When a cell is placed in a hypotonic solution, water will move into the cell causing it to swell and potentially burst due to osmotic pressure.
Nothing would happen to the plant. It will have a normal growth provided other parameters are normal.
Yes, it is considered a hypertonic solution. Normal saline that is Isotonic with body cells or in pharmaceutical preparations strength is 0.9%. Therefore, any concentration that is higher of lower is Hypertonic and hypotonic respectively.