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Q: What are clue words on a paragraph?
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What is a clue word that indicates a contrast in a paragraph?

"However" is a clue word that often indicates a contrast in a paragraph.

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Which adjective used twice in the opening paragraph gives the reader the central clue to the woman's appearance​

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Relative pronouns are clue words for adjective clauses.

How do you solve the first puzzle in the game the apprentice?

is it the secrets of the immortal nicholas flamel? if it is, you take the number behind the paragraph and count that many words. the ward is the first clue. when you get all three, you'll have your answer!

What is the clue word of fated?

Sure to be, cursed and decreed are clue words for fated. Additional clue words include destined, decided and foredoomed.

What are clue words?

Actually, there are nine clue words to generalizations! There are all, most, many, some, sometimes, usually, seldom, few, and generally. Those are all clue words for generalizations.

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How did Kelly hashway use foreshadowing In the fourth paragraph of this story tell what clue was written into the story and how readers could have used this clue to predict the ending of the story

What are Clue words for generalizations?

Actually, there are nine clue words to generalizations! There are all, most, many, some, sometimes, usually, seldom, few, and generally. Those are all clue words for generalizations.

Is clearly a clue word for a generalization?

I wouldn't say it is. It's more of a conclusion word for a paragraph or essay.

What are six types of context clues?

the most common types are : definition clue example clue synonym restatement clue contrast clue mood clue experience clue analysis clue

What are clue words for description?

Some of the clue words for description are... Most importantly, for example, for instance, and last but not least in fact.

What are synonyms of clue?

A synonym for "Clue" could be "hint". Synonyms are two words that are different words, but mean the same thing.