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the earmuffs and the steel rake

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Q: What are all of the inventions that Chester Greenwood made?
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What are two Chinese inventions that we have all used at one time or another?

There are many Chinese inventions that we have all used at one time or another. Two Chinese inventions that we have all used at one time or another includes paper and the compass.

How did Thomas Edison come up with all of his ideas for inventions?

He was a genius!

Did Benjamin Franklin finish all his invention?

yes ,benjamin franklin did finish his inventions [all of them ]

What did others think of Isaac Newton as a scientist?

i think he was really good in scince and that why in school we are learnin about him.

What is the benefits of modern invention in your life?

Necessity is the mother of invention, due to life needs, people started to invent methods to make their lives easier. Inventors started long time ago when they invented the wheel. They realized that inventions minimize the effort that people put to have their works done. Technological advancement stimulates human brains to create modern stuff in different fields like: transportations, multimedia, medical inventions, communications and many other fields. There are lots of examples on the modern inventions like: computers, planes and cell-phones. All these stuff changed our lives and made it more comfortable and luxuries. In the other hand we notice that many inventions defy the environment circumstances, for example the weather we can modify the heat as we need using the air condition system. Befits we get from inventions make it very important to all human beings.

Related questions

Why were ear muffs invented?

It all started with ears, Chester Greenwood’s ears. Chester’s ears got cold. They got so cold something had to be done. That something was an invention by a fifteen-year-old boy that would support him for the rest of his life. The invention? Earmuffs. Later, when Chester Greenwood had become a legend, newspaper writers started the story that his ears turned weird colors in the cold.

Inventions of the 1700s - 1900s?

what inventions were made in the 1700 -1900 was absolutely nothing at all.

What are all the inventions of Samuel FB Morse?

he made the morse code

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All of these inventions were made in the mid-to-late 19th century EXCEPT the?


What made the 1920's roaring?

the 20's were roaring because of all of the new inventions that were made.

What year was Leonardo's helicopter made in?

It was not made in anything. All Leonardo's inventions are in his sketchbooks. None have been executed.

How did the Chinese inventions influence the world?

it influenced the world by all the important stuff that they had made

George Stephenson John McAdam and Robert Fulton all made inventions that improved?


What Do you think that with all the inventions and discoveries made your life?

I think Invention is an mostly part of the life that is automobiles

What new inventions are needed?

"Needs" seem to change with the decades. It is unknown what new inventions are needed, but no doubt inventions will continue to be made. After all, in 1899, Charles H. Duell, Commissioner of the U.S. Office of Patents, stated that "Everything that can be invented has been invented."

Does chester bennington lip sync?

No. Chester gets slightly offended when people ask this question. Chester sings live at all of his shows.