Job and Abraham are examples.
Lyrics to the song "Patience" by Take That can be found online from many different lyric databases. Some examples of these lyric databases include MetroLyrics and Lyrics007.
The X Files - 1993 Patience 8-3 is rated/received certificates of: Argentina:13
day-care worker
Ben Casey - 1961 With the Rich and Mighty Always a Little Patience 3-3 was released on: USA: 25 September 1963
The term non count is in reference to items are nouns that we cannot count. It is things that cannot be plural. Some examples are, luck, hate, laughter, beauty and patience.
These discoveries are examples of hard work, scientific passion, intelligence, patience etc.
patients, patience
Practice patience until it is added to 'the game'.
Patience, caring, fair, just.... just like being a teacher
I will exceed the speed limit. Giving 10 examples might exceed my patience.
3 examples of what?