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Curie was not part of the baroque era.

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Q: Was Kepler and Curie where scientists doing the baroque era?
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They are proving their work so that other scientists know what they are doing.

Who produced the first artificial isotope?

Madamme Curie is the first on record, that figured out what she was doing.

How do scientists find things out?

Scientists find things out by doing experiments.

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Late Renaissance style, pointing forward to Baroque.

How did the world benefit from Marie curie work?

Marie Curie's work had a profound impact on the world. She discovered the radioactive elements polonium and radium, which led to the development of new treatments for cancer and other diseases. Her research also laid the foundation for the field of nuclear physics and she pioneered the use of radiation in medical imaging and therapy. Curie's contributions continue to benefit humanity through advancements in medicine and technology.

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they are bludging and slacking off, that's what they are doing.

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Marie Curie died of leukemia caused by the research work she was doing concerning vey highly radioactive materials.

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Because the stuff that scientists do aren't pointless.

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