

Best Answer

To seal your frig door; inside your toaster; in all the motors in your house.

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Q: Uses of magnets in everyday life?
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Name 1 use for magnets in everyday life?

Magnets are used in everyday life for holding items on refrigerators, such as notes and photos.

What are magnets used for in everyday life?

omg everything

How do children use magnets in everyday life?

to answer questions like this using their computer

Where do you see californium in your everyday life?

Californium is not for everyday uses.

Are magnets used in everyday life?

yes, they keep refrigerator and freezer doors closed.

What are some of the uses of magnets and electromagnets in our daily life?

Magnets are used in everyday items like refrigerator doors, speaker systems, and magnetic toys. Electromagnets are used in devices such as MRI machines, electric motors, and generators. Both magnets and electromagnets play crucial roles in technology, transportation, and healthcare.

How do people encounter californium in their everyday lives?

Californium has not uses in everyday life.

How do magnets help you?

Modern day life uses magnets in almost everything. Compasses, brakes, computers, credit cards, etc.

When do you use magnets you in everyday life?

inside fridge door, inside your toaster, and all the motors in the house

What machines use magnets?

Every machine with a motor has a magnet. If you plug it in, it has a magnet. If you put in batteries or recharge it, it has a magnet. An automatic pencil sharpener uses magnets. A computer printer uses magnets. A refrigerator motor uses magnets. An electric razor uses magnets. A fan uses magnets. Hair cutters use magnets. Nose clippers use magnets. Look around your room and see what else uses a motor.

Why is francium important to your everyday life?

Francium has any uses.

Who uses a map in everyday life?

Chuck Norris doesn't