how to use inexplicable in three sentence's
This is a sentence. A prisoner has to serve the sentence the judge gives him.
If you said "use coincidence in a sentence" you already know how to use it in a sentence and are probably getting examples. if you said" how do you use coincidence in a sentence" you most-likely don't know the definition of it.
Condensing (or condensation or condense), I hope this helps.
This sentence is about nothing.
The ice cube condense because the temperature around it was very cold
Urbanization, the process by which populations condense to form population-dense cities, has been a topic of frequent discussion in recent years.
The steam condensed into droplets.
to condense
After taking a hot shower, condensation formed on the bathroom mirror.
You can condense a liquid by putting in heat.
A dumb criminal is condense.
Chromosomes, as a thread, use histone protein cores as spools that they use to wrap around and, hence, condense.
The noun form of "condense" is "condensation."
You pronounce condense like this... con-den-sz
i do not know how to use embalming in a sentence. (there is the sentence)
To condense really large or really small numbers into a more readable format.