The backround on the computer was very beautiful.
Speech throughout is clear and easily heard against background ambiance.
Example sentence - The professor was sure he could transfer the required knowledge successfully.
To know refers to knowledge. I want to know my test score.No is a negative. No, I didn't do my homework.
The three types of background knowledge are declarative (factual information), procedural (how-to knowledge), and conditional (knowledge of when and why to use certain strategies or actions).
Not really you can use the knowledge of science in banking sector, but you can use your knowledge on understanding your clients background and assess their strength or quality of business they do.
"The textbook in the library was full of knowledge."
Does your family have a background in business. (use a question mark at the end of the sentence.)I personally would have said, "Does your family have a business background?"
background knowledge
Example sentence - It is satisfying to watch people use the knowledge you taught them.
By including all the information in the first sentence
I am dissatisfied with your lack of knowledge.
The backround on the computer was very beautiful.
I learn something new everyday that adds to my knowledge. New knowledge can be gained by reading books.
Experience is the knowledge by virtue of committed mistakes.
These WikiAnswers answers are all from the different users and members on WikiAnswers. And in order for us to have this knowledge, we obvisouly have to either use our background knowledge or do research.