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The Seafloor Spreading Theory was proposed by Harry Hess.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 5mo ago

The theory of seafloor spreading was proposed by Harry Hess, a geologist and Navy officer, in the early 1960s. He proposed that new oceanic crust is formed at mid-ocean ridges and then spreads outward. This theory helped to explain the mechanism behind continental drift and plate tectonics.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Harry Hess was an instrumental figure in discovering seafloor spreading. The discovery also contributed to the continental drift theory by Alfred Wegener.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Alfred Wegener suggested the theory of Continental Drift. But, Harry H. Hess first suggested the theory of the seafloor spreading.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Harry Hess came up with the theory of seafloor spreading . Alfred Wegener came up with the idea of continental drift NOT sea-floor spreading.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Alfred Wegener

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Harry Hess

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Harry hess

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Harry Hess.

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Q: Who proposed the theory of seafloor spreading based on maps of the ocean floor?
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What theory did Harry Hess come up with that supported Wegeners belief that continents moved?

Harry Hess proposed the theory of seafloor spreading, which suggested that new oceanic crust was continuously forming at mid-ocean ridges and moving away in both directions. This supported Wegener's belief in continental drift by providing a mechanism for how continents could move across the Earth's surface.

How did the seafloor spreading help prove the continental drift?

Seafloor spreading provided evidence for continental drift by showing that new oceanic crust is formed at mid-ocean ridges, pushing older crust away. This process helped explain how continents could move and supported the idea of plate tectonics. The pattern of magnetic stripes on the seafloor also matched with predictions based on the movement of continents, further supporting the theory of continental drift.

What was Dan McKenzie's evidence in his theory?

Dan McKenzie's evidence in his theory of plate tectonics was largely based on seafloor spreading. He observed that the oceanic crust was younger near mid-ocean ridges and progressively older farther away, supporting the idea of tectonic plates moving apart. Additionally, studies of magnetic striping on the seafloor provided further evidence for the movement of the Earth's plates.

Who proposed the theory of a just society?

The theory of a just society was proposed by the Greek philosopher Plato in his work "The Republic." In it, he discusses the concept of justice in an ideal society where individuals have defined roles based on their abilities and needs.

Who proposed the Ptolemaic universe theory?

The Ptolemaic universe theory was proposed by the ancient Greek astronomer Claudius Ptolemy in the 2nd century AD. He proposed a geocentric model of the universe with Earth at the center, and this theory dominated Western astronomy for over a thousand years.

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How were different groups of scientists involved in the research and discovery of seafloor spreading?

Different groups of scientists, including geophysicists, geologists, and oceanographers, contributed to the research and discovery of seafloor spreading in the mid-20th century. Geophysicists like Harry Hess proposed the theory based on evidence such as magnetic striping on the ocean floor. Geologists like Fred Vine and Drummond Matthews further supported the theory with their work on marine magnetic anomalies. Oceanographers collected data from the seafloor to provide additional evidence for seafloor spreading.

What theory did Harry Hess come up with that supported Wegeners belief that continents moved?

Harry Hess proposed the theory of seafloor spreading, which suggested that new oceanic crust was continuously forming at mid-ocean ridges and moving away in both directions. This supported Wegener's belief in continental drift by providing a mechanism for how continents could move across the Earth's surface.

What is the movement of continents called?

The movement of continents is called the theory of continental drift. It is based upon the theory that the contininents are floating are large tectonic plates that are moved by seafloor spreading which is the same process that creates new land.

How did the seafloor spreading help prove the continental drift?

Seafloor spreading provided evidence for continental drift by showing that new oceanic crust is formed at mid-ocean ridges, pushing older crust away. This process helped explain how continents could move and supported the idea of plate tectonics. The pattern of magnetic stripes on the seafloor also matched with predictions based on the movement of continents, further supporting the theory of continental drift.

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What was Dan McKenzie's evidence in his theory?

Dan McKenzie's evidence in his theory of plate tectonics was largely based on seafloor spreading. He observed that the oceanic crust was younger near mid-ocean ridges and progressively older farther away, supporting the idea of tectonic plates moving apart. Additionally, studies of magnetic striping on the seafloor provided further evidence for the movement of the Earth's plates.

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The theory of a just society was proposed by the Greek philosopher Plato in his work "The Republic." In it, he discusses the concept of justice in an ideal society where individuals have defined roles based on their abilities and needs.

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What did Joseph Wolpe's proposed theory based on classical conditioning explain?

Joseph Wolpe's proposed theory based on classical conditioning, known as systematic desensitization, explained how phobias and anxiety could be treated by gradually exposing individuals to their feared stimuli while teaching them relaxation techniques. This therapy aimed to help individuals replace their learned fear response with a relaxation response, ultimately reducing their fear and anxiety levels.