If you are talking about the Earth than it is 23.5 degrees on its tilt.
Yes, the axis of the Earth is at an angle to the ecliptic (the plane of the Earth's orbit around the Sun) of about about 23,5°.
No. In fact Earth is at its farthest point from the sun in early July and at its closest point in January. Earth's axis of rotation is tilted so relative to its orbit, so each hemisphere is alternately tilted toward and away from the sun. When the northern hemisphere is tilted toward the sun it experiences summer while the southern hemisphere, which is tilted away, experiences winter. When a hemisphere is tilted toward the sun, sunlight strikes the surface there at a steeper angle, so the sunlight is less spread out than it would be hitting at a shallow angle. The more concentrated sunlight results in greater heating.
what is inclined at an angle of11.5 to earth's rotational axis?
the sun is higher in summer because of the way the earth goes around the sun in winter we are abit closer then in summer but it does not have the same effect because off the angle off the earth
In The Online world It Says That, "Because The Earth is tilted and it rotates."
the angle Saturn is tilted on is 26.7 degrees. This is similar to the tilt of Earth, which is 23.4 degrees.
23.5 degrees
23.6 degrees
If the earth was not tilted at an angle of 23.5 degrees, there would not be the different seasons.
About 17 degrees.
Not at all.
The season
the seasons will change!!
The seasonal variations would be different.
Earth is season due to its tilted axis at a 23.5-degree angle.
Because of how the earth is tilted. In the western hemisphere in the winter season, the earth is tilted further away from the sun in comparison to the eastern hemisphere because of how the earth sits on its axis. When it is tilted further away from the sun in this point in the revolution, it will recieve less light because of its angle.