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Shadows are formed because when light hits an object, it does not pass through it. Light going around the edge of the object fills in the light void a bit, but it does not make up for the missing light.

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Q: Shadows are formed because light travels in?
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Is a shadow proof that light travels in a straight line?

Yes, a shadow is proof that light travels in a straight line because shadows are formed when an object blocks light that is traveling in a straight path from the source to the surface where the shadow is cast. If light did not travel in a straight line, shadows would not form as they do.

What do shadows and their shapers tell us about how light travels?

Shadows are formed when an object blocks light, demonstrating that light travels in straight lines. Shadows change in size and shape based on the position of the light source and the object creating the shadow. By studying shadows and how they are shaped, we can learn about the properties and behavior of light.

Why shadows are not formed at night?

Shadows are not formed at night because the absence of daylight means there is no light source to create shadows. Shadows are formed when an object blocks a source of light, casting a shadow in the opposite direction. Without sufficient light, shadows cannot be cast.

Why are shadow formed?

Wait, it is not why. It's how. Shadows are formed because light travels in a straight line. Try to understand it yourself. second answer: when something come in the way of light it, light is not able to travel anymore. and the areas where is no light, it is dark and we call this dark area as shadow

Why do objects make shadows?

Objects make shadows when they block light from a light source. Light travels in straight lines and when an object blocks the path of the light, a shadow is formed on the surface behind the object where the light cannot reach.

What fact about the way light travels explains why shadows are made?

Light travels in straight lines. When an object obstructs the path of light, a shadow is created because the light cannot pass through the object. The shadow is formed on the side opposite to the direction of the light source.

How is the light ray theory associated with shadows?

The light ray theory explains that light travels in straight lines. When an object blocks light rays, a shadow is formed because the light can't pass through the object, creating an area of darkness behind it. Shadows help us understand the direction and intensity of light by showing where it has been blocked or absorbed.

Can you say that shadow is the consequence of rectilinear propagation of light?

Yes, shadows are formed when an object blocks the path of light, resulting in a region of reduced illumination behind the object. This is due to rectilinear propagation of light, where light travels in straight lines until it is blocked or redirected by an object, creating shadows.

How are two shadows are formed?

shadows are formed when light is obstructed by an opaque body. Shadows resemble shape but not necessarily the size of the object

What is the shadows that casts suggest that light usually travels in?


What causes rays and shadows in sunlight?

Rays and shadows in sunlight are caused by the way light travels in straight lines from the source (the sun) to objects. Rays are the paths that light takes, while shadows are formed when objects block these rays, preventing light from reaching a certain area. The angle at which light hits an object also affects the length and direction of the shadow.

Why are two shadows of ourselves formed in the morning?

You will get two shadows if there are two light sources.