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When performing an experiment you want to be sure you are following precaution. You should wear safety goggles, protective clothing and gloves.

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Q: Safety measures to follow during a experiment?
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What are the safety precautions you should follow when performing an experiment?

put it on a heatproof mat and wear goggles

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What are health and safety on construction site?

Health and safety on construction sites includes measures to follow to ensure that no health risks or accidents are present. Safety measures for a construction site may include: Abide by OSHA rules and safety guidelines Provide the right PPE or protective equipments Provide the right safety trainings Have a safety officer Have safety posters to remind people of safety guidelines Have a timely safety meeting

Where is information about flight safety found?

Information about flight safety can be found on the FAA's website. They have information that is available to follow all safety measures. AOPA is also another place where you can find information on this subject.

What preventive measures can you suggest to minimize accidents?

The best way to avoid or minimize accidents is to take preventative measures. Follow directions on products carefully, follow all safety guidelines on products, and avoid consuming alcohol or drugs while doing anything dangerous.