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You could be, but its also a sign you could be stressed or coming down with a cold or something similar...

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Q: Period came one day late I have regular 28 day cycle and no symptoms of pregnancy could I be pregnant?
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Could you still be pregnant if your 7 days late and then start but it's a regular period with all other symptoms of pregnancy?

Not likely.

Is it possible your pregnant when your period is 2 weeks late then you get it but you have a lot of pregnancy symptoms?

If you are on/had your period your probably not pregnant, but do a pregnancy test to be sure.

If i had pregnancy symptoms and can you still have a period?

as someone who works in the health profession, YES you can be pregnant and still get a period every 28-30 days. with a regular cycle

Can you have symptoms of pregnancy and then get your period for about 3 hours and still be pregnant?

Yes you can be pregnant.

What are the symptoms you should feel if your on your period and maybe you are also pregnant?

If you are having a regular period, you are not pregnant.

How women knows that she is pregnant?

Missed period, common pregnancy symptoms, and/or a positive pregnancy test.

How do you know you'r pregnant?

Missed period, common pregnancy symptoms, and a positive pregnancy test.

Im breastfeeding 7 month old ttc period 17dpo period is almost 4 days late had regular period since she turned 3 months have a lot of pregnancy symptoms i didnt notice few weeks ago can i be pregnant?

If you are late and pretty regular, showing symptoms of pregnancy, you very well could be, the only way to know for sure is take a test. You can get pregnant while breast feeding, I did.

You have missed your period and had a positive pregnancy test but am not having pregnancy symptoms?

You don't need to have symptoms to be pregnant. Some people don't get symptoms for weeks. You're definitely pregnant. i would go to the doctor and get it checked

Can you be pregnant if it's been four weeks and you got all the symptoms but just got your period?

One of the symptoms of pregnancy is not getting your period.

What are the symptoms of a pregnancy?

Pregnant women usually will first realize they are pregnant when they miss their period. Other symptoms include tenderness in the breasts and morning sickness.

Can you be pregnant but have what seems to be a regular period and still having pregnancy symptoms?

Yes, it can be possible. With my third pregnancy I knew I was pregnant before I had any symptoms. It is a womans intuition. But I started bleeding right on schedule so doctors assumed it was a miscarriage. My period was three days shorter than normal and I took a teast a week later to see that I had a baby waiting for me inside. But you must remember that pms symptoms are similar to pregnancy symptoms so if you still believe you are pregnant go see your doctor. You will get a free test and a valid answer.