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a normally open device simply means that it is open (or it is an incomplete circuit) in its normal state and when the normal state changes it closes, either instantaneously or stays closed in a latch mode. a normally open device can be wired in series or parallel depending on what your purpose is.

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Q: Normally open devices wired in series or parallel?
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Are the lights in your house wired in series or in parallel?

it would be kind of both

Why in houses if one bulb is fused the rest of the bulbs continue to glow?

If a circuit is wired in parallel, all the bulbs have their own independent access to electricity, so if one bulb goes out, the others are not affected. If the circuit is wired in series, then one bulb going out will block the current to all the other bulbs as well.

Would the brightness of a parallel circuit of 3 globes increase or decrease when a fourth is added?

The brightness would remain constant but the power draw will increase. If the circuit was series wired, the brightness would go down as you added bulbs.

Explain why buildings are wired using parallel circuits rather than series circuits.?

Homes are wired in parallel because of basic electrical theory. If something in a series circuit fails, the electrons cannot flow anymore. The WHOLE circuit is now down. Also, the voltage would drop after every resistance. A breaker is on each separate circuit in your house as protection. Those separate circuits are broken down even more as parallel circuits. When you unplug something, the whole circuit isn't affect (well, current, but you can still use your other electronics). Also, voltage must be at a certain level for all our things. In series, the resistance would lower the voltage, which can harm electronics designed for higher voltages.

What is snapse?

A "synapse" is the gap between neurons in the brain. Since the brain is not hard wired, and the neurons are only connected by a chemical synapse, the brain can be "re-wired" to act in a way it did not before. This is how we are able to learn and perfect new skills.

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Will an electromagnet be stronger with 2 batteries wired in series or parallel?

Normally putting the batteries in series would have more effect.

If everything else is the same will 2 bulbs be brighter wired in series or wired in parallel?

In parallel.

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Does a toaster have a series or parallel circuit?

Normally I would expect the elements to be wired in parallel so that the loss of one element does not cause the others not to work. It is possible for some manufacturers to wire a pair of elements in series so that they could use say 110v elements as standard so that they can be utilized on 230v toasters as well.

Which is more wired the parallel or series circuit?

the paralel

How do you know if you have a series circuit or parallel?

A series circuit will be wired from the power source at the positive input of the first device, the second device will receive power from the output of the first device and then go back to ground. A parallel circuit is wired so that both devices receive power from the power source directly to the positive input and both are wired directly to ground.

Is the compressor motor and condenser fan motor wired in series or parallel?


Would a bedroom be wired using a series circuit or a parallel circuit?

A parallel circuit

4 12volt batteries to make 24 volts?

2 batteries are wired in series then these 2 are wired in parallel with the other 2 which should also be wired in series. series is positive to negative and or negative to positive. parallel is pos. to pos. and neg. to neg.

Are the lights in your house wired in series or in parallel?

it would be kind of both

What can you infer about whether or not your house lights are connected in series or parallel?

House lights are wired in parallel. If they were in series, when one burned out, all would. Christmas lights are wired in a combination of series and parallel - roughly 50 lights in each series string. that's why if one bulb burns out, a section of the lights goes out.

Does a refrigerator have parallel and series circuits?

A Refrigerator is technically a series because if one wire goes out all of the others go out