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There are a variety of microscope types, but two large and different types are electron microscopes and optical microscopes. Optical microscopes are cheaper, and are commercially available for even you to buy. They work with lenses, and in many cases, oil emulsions. Electron microscopes work by bombarding specimens with electron beams. They are significantly more expensive than optical microscopes, but give a better quality image and come with vastly superior magnification levels, due to the fact that electrons have wavelengths circa 100,000 shorter than photons, or light. This enables you to see things in much greater detail.

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Q: Name the two types of microscopes?
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What are the two types of microscopes?

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What are two types of microscopes?

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What are two types of electron microscopes?

Two types of electron microscopes are the scanning electron microscope, or SEM, and transmission electron microscope, or TEM.

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What are the two main types of electronic microscopes?

Biologists use two main types of electron microscopes. Transmission electron microscopes (TEMs) shine a beam of electrons through a thin specimen. Scanning electron microscopes (SEMs) scan a narrow beam of electrons back and forth across the surface of a specimen.

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Because you just have two

What are the two different types of microscopes?

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What are the 2 main types of microscopes?

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five types of microscopes are: A compound light microscope,the stereo microscope,the electron microscope,a simple microscope(similar to a magnifying glass,and a compound microscope.

Which two types of microscopes view the surface of an object?

An optical, and an electron microscope.

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